
Blood Sugar Strips Delivered to Cuba thanks to Tourists Enroute

Blood Sugar Strips Delivered to Cuba thanks to Tourists Enroute

Two months ago Thunder Bay Regional Hospital gave us 7500 blood sugar test strips. They were still good but the hospital had switched to a different brand as J&J Medical no longer made these.

The problem was that we did not have the machines to use them in. Finally the local hospital found a couple of the “Glucometers” in the Laboratory. They made sure they were working okay and gave them to us.

We were then able to send the strips and machines to Dr Aurora in Placetas with tourists going on holidays in Varedaro. Dr Aurora gave one of the machines to the community clinic called Polyclinic South that looks after 40,000 of the inhabitants of Placetas. These hand held lab machines will be used to monitor patients’ diabetes.

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