
Our 600 Simpson St. Warehouse is “History”

Our 600 Simpson St. Warehouse is “History”

600 Simpson St.Someone has said all good things must come to an end.

This is probably true except for God’s love, grace, and forgiveness.
It certainly is true for our lease of the 25,000 sq ft. warehouse at 600 Simpson Street.
Because of our inability to get the new owner of the warehouse to commit one way or the other to staying on a bit longer,
we have decided to move out in spite of not having a definite answer.
We are praying that the City (the present owner) will not carry out their threat to change the locks July 11th which would make it impossible
for us to remove our possessions. We have asked their indulgence to have the next month to remove everything as described below.
Larry Mutcher and friends will reinstall the wheels on the mobile mammography trailer so it can be towed and stored in the country until the Shalom clinic in
El Salvador is ready for it.
On Saturday July 27th we will ship all the beds in the warehouse to Cuba. (9 a.m. til done)
On Tuesday August 6th we will ship the remaining things in the warehouse (Medical supplies,wheelchairs, walkers, mammography machine) and much more to Shalom Clinic.
This is going to require a huge amount of inventorying, preperation and work on the part of our volunteers.
This is a bad time of year with lovely weather and holidays happening, and I hate to ask people to give us so much time, but it is necessary.
So please pray for us, and if you are in the Thunder Bay area please be ready to volunteer your time.
The above is a very abbreviated description of events so if you have any questions please contact me.
“When God closes one door He usually opens another. Our job is to walk through the newly opened door!”
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