
Answered Prayer Right in Time!

Answered Prayer Right in Time!

Answered Prayer Right in Time!

As you know we have been very concerned that we have all our storage facilities filled to the brim with valuable and useful medical equipment, but no money to ship it. In fact some beds are being stored outside.

I have been struggling to have faith and not worry about the situation. Based on the theory that if you tell yourself something often enough eventually you will believe it, I have visited our website several times to remind myself how faithful God has been to MEMO in the last six years. But really, from a human perspective the situation looked pretty bleak.

I just received this email. I will keep the church anonymous, so as Jesus pointed out they will get their reward in heaven!

Hi Jerome,

We just returned home with Steve from two weeks of ministry and work at Las Palmas and Los Pinos in Cuba.    Aurora had some great stories of inspiration about the reach to the eastern provinces of the wonderful mammography clinic that MEMO has provided for her to work in. Women had travelled for several days from the east just to be examined in her clinic. What a wonderful blessing!

We had a Global Outreach Ministries meeting this morning at our church, and I would like to inform you that a motion was passed to provide the funds to ship a container of MEMO equipment to Cuba. A check for $9,000 will be sent to Langleynext week to assist with the shipment.

For all of you who work so hard to deliver these wonderful blessings to the Cuban people, congratulations for your many years of tireless work. God is being honoured with each item you load into the containers, blessings to you all!

In His Service,

I wanted to share this with you all right away, especially those of you mentioned in ………………’s last sentence.

We will send you details of the next container packing day asap.


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